Terry Bader
tbader@eraglobe.com | |
Phone | 253.460.2359 |
Office | Building 18 |
Dept. | Faculty Resource Center (FRC) |
Class Schedule
Quarter | Class | Title | Day(s) | From | To | Location | Mode |
Spring | PSYC& 10003H | General Psychology | TTh | 12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | | Classroom |
Winter | PSYC& 10002H | General Psychology | MWF | 11:30 AM | 12:20 PM | 17-1 | Classroom |
Fall | PSYC& 10002H | General Psychology | MWF | 10:30 AM | 11:20 AM | | Classroom |
Fall | PSYC& 10003H | General Psychology | MWF | 11:30 AM | 12:20 PM | | Classroom |
Fall | SOC& 101GHH | Introduction to Sociolog | TTh | 6:00 PM | 7:50 PM | D-102 | Classroom |